Cleaner Home with DIY Green Cleaner
— safer, natural, affordable and as good or better than any commercial big brand names
- Baking Soda – cleans, deodorizes, softens water, scours
- Liquid Soap – unscented soap
- Lemon – one of the strongest food-acids, effective against most household bacteria
- Borax – cleans, deodorizes, disinfects, softens water, cleans wallpaper, painted walls and floors
- Washing Soda – or SAL Soda is sodium carbonate decahydrate, a mineral. Washing soda cuts grease, removes stains, softens water, cleans wall, tiles, sinks and tubs. Use care, as washing soda can irritate mucous membranes. Do not use on aluminum.
- White Distilled Vinegar – cuts grease, removes mildew, odors, some stains and wax build-up.
- Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) – can be used to clean almost anything touching food (cutting board, refrigerator, pots and pans, dish washer, counter top) because it is non-toxic and inexpensive.
You don’t realize till you try them. It will surprise you how great they work and how simple and affordable they are !!!
All-Purpose Cleaner
1 cup white vinegar
1 gallon hot water
15 drops lavender oil or other essential oil (optional for better smell)
Join the ingredients in a bucket or in a spray bottle for all purpose day to day cleaning (floor, counter, furniture). White vinegar prohibits bacteria and mold from growing, while cutting through tough grease and muck.
Super Sink, Tub, Tile Scrub
1 cup baking soda
¼ cup salt
1 lemon
Squirt of dish soap
Mix the ingredients in a bowl until you get a paste that resembles frosting. Dip a sponge into the paste and scrub. Let the paste sit for about 10 minutes for stubborn grime. The baking soda and salt act as a mild abrasive for getting out mildew and grime.
Scrub-Free Oven Cleaner
1½ cups baking soda
½ cup salt
½ cup water
Squirt of liquid soap
Dampen the oven with a sponge and water. Combine ingredients to make a thick paste, and spread all over the interior of the oven (avoid bare metal and any openings) . Let the mixture sit overnight. Wipe off the mixture using a bit of the soap with a sponge and wash the rest of the oven clean.
Dishwasher Detergent
2 cups washing soda
2 cups borax
1/2 cup kosher salt
Mix equal amounts of both ingredients. Add more washing soda if your water is hard. To keep your dishwasher extra clean, once a month, pour ½ cup of white distilled vinegar into the detergent cups and run the empty machine for a complete cycle.
Tools You Will Always Keep Around
1 Bucket and Mop
1 Pastry Brush (thick with bristles at least 3 inches long) for dusting uneven surfaces, edges, and corners.
2 Spray Bottle
2 pair of long glove
1 Toilet Plunger
1 Hard Brush for Tiles
1 Vacuum Cleaner (for carpet)
Old Tooth Brushes
Scouring Pads
Wash Towels or Cloth
You can get the list of ingredients below at grocery stores, hardware stores, drug stores, and department store like Target and Walmart:
Borax and Washing Soda
Mule Team Borax 76oz $3.99 (Target)
Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda 55oz $4.00 (Walmart)
Baking Soda
ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda 2 Pound $1.24 (Target)
White Vinegar 128oz
Heinz Distilled White Vinegar 128oz $3.14 (Target)
Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar to clean chrome and stainless-steel fixtures, and to remove scum, grime and mildew from bathtub, tile or shower curtain.
Get rid of lime buildup on sinks by soaking an old rag in vinegar, then wrapping it around the faucet and clasping with a hair clip. Let sit for an hour, then take off rag and dry faucet.
To remove stickers on the walls, sponge vinegar over them several times, and wait 15 minutes, then rub off the stickers. This also works for price tags (stickers) on tools, etc.
Hydrogen Peroxide 3%
Hydrogen Peroxide 3% 32oz $1.00 (Target)
Straight or Diluted Hydrogen Perioxide 3%, as a tough and nontoxic chemical, works wonders around home.
Clean your counters and table tops with hydrogen peroxide to kill germs and leave a fresh smell. Simply put a little on your dishrag when you wipe, or spray it on the counters. Use hydrogen peroxide to clean glass and mirrors with no smearing.
Keep a spray bottle of 3% (straight) to disinfect the interior of the refrigerator, counter-tops, cutting boards, dishwasher. kids’ school lunch boxes and any surfaces touching food.
To clean toilet bowls, just pour the stuff into the bowl and let it soak for about 20-30 minutes before scrubbing clean. To clean up mold and mildew in the bathroom, just spray on areas with mold and wait at least one hour before rinsing.